What the FAQ?

What is the Trademark Channel?

The Trademark Channel is a safe place for curious individuals to explore current events and happenings in the global realm of trademarks, with a particular focus on the absurd, scandalous, and insightful.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a word, a symbol, or a combination of words and symbols, that identifies the source of a product to consumers. A trademark is commonly thought of as a brand name and can be established through use on a product in connection with its marketing and sale and/or registration with a governmental agency, such as the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Isn't That a Patent?

Not quite. Think of trademarks as guarding your brand's identity, while patents protect your brilliant inventions. They're like cousins at a family reunion - related but different. Especially cousin Bob. He's very different.

Why Should I Care?

Think of trademarks as the guardians of your brand's identity in a crowded marketplace. They're like your brand's signature, helping customers identify and trust your products or services over others. Plus, they give you legal muscle to fend off copycats and maintain your hard-earned reputation.

What is a Service Mark?

A service mark is the equivalent of a trademark, but applies to services, as opposed to products.

What is a Copyright?

In addition to being neither a trademark nor a service mark, a copyright is the original expression of an idea that is “fixed” in a tangible form, such as a drawing on a napkin, an original song, a story, or a tattoo. While a copyright may be embodied in a trademark or a service mark, a copyright, in and of itself, cannot embody a trademark or a service mark.

What is a Counterfeit Trademark?

A counterfeit trademark (not to be confused with an “infringing trademark’) is a word or symbol that is placed on a product as a false indicator of the origin of the product. Products bearing a counterfeit trademark are commonly referred to as “knock offs."

What if Someone Messes with My Trademark?

Unleash the hounds! If someone infringes upon your trademark rights by using a confusingly similar mark, you have legal recourse to protect your brand. This may involve sending cease-and-desist letters, pursuing litigation, or negotiating settlements. With a registered trademark, you have a strong legal foundation to defend your brand's integrity and market presence.

What am I Doing Here?

What are any of us doing here? You're likely grappling with the existential nature of modern consumerism, seeking a guiding light through the branding melee and looking for ammunition to create a unique trademark of your very own. Or maybe you're looking for The Weather Channel. Oops. Either way, we're glad you're here.

Where Do I Go Next?

That all depends. If you have questions about brand protection you can click on the button below or drop us a line at info@thetrademarkchannel. We're also good at fashion trivia and giving snarky responses to questions we already covered above.