Let's Shoot the Sh*t.
We Know What You’re Thinking...
Finally, an attorney who can explain trademark law in words used by real humans. Founded by Relani Belous, The Trademark Channel is the sh*t-talking forum you never realized you needed. We mix trademark talk with current events and everything in between. Your brand matters. We're here to tell you why.

Show Me, Don’t Tell Me
Our punchy videos bring trademark law to life with with, wisdom and a touch of irreverence. Join Relani from the streets, her kitchen, global conferences, or wherever else she's standing when an idea hits. That's real-time storytelling at its finest.
What You Don’t Know Sure Can Hurt You
Sometimes the best way to learn about trademarks Is through nasty brand battles. Did you know...

Marvel and DC Comics once slugged it out over the word ‘superhero’
Boom, boom, pow.

Global superstar Taylor Swift has hundreds of of registered trademarks. Slay, girl.

First trademark? Henry III of England enforced one on bakers in 1266. What a loaf.
Want to learn more crazy a** stuff about Trademarks? Yeah you do!
Can We Be Friends?
We're fierce, smart, and nice. Plus, you're going to love what we have to say.